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Daily Archives :25. August 2016
Home / Date / 25. August 2016
Material Testing

Material Testing

Material Testing The collection and verification of material properties are described in technical acoustics of great importance. Particularly interested in building acoustics are sound insulation values and reverberation times of components. In room acoustics mainly the absorption coefficient, the flow resistance and the dynamic stiffness of the materials are of significance. All these variables are [...]

Laser Doppler Vibrometer

Laser Doppler Vibrometer A laser Doppler vibrometer (LDV) is a scientific instrument that is used for non-contact vibration measurement of vibrating surfaces. The laser beam generated by the LDV is directed onto the surface to be measured. The amplitude and frequency can be calculated from the Doppler shift of the laser beam (by movement of [...]


Vibration The periodic oscillation of substances and bodies is called vibration. Vibrations are an important parameter in machinery, buildings and vehicles. Vibrations also have a big impact on people and they are callled “human vibrations”. Depending on the frequency of vibration and the exposured time first general discomfort and later various symptoms including pain in [...]
Noise Prediction Calculation

Noise Prediction Calculation

Noise Prediction Calculation The acoustics benefits from the rapid development of computer science and computer technology. Especially in recent years, the programs for the calculation, presentation and prognosis assessment of noise exposure in outdoor areas developed rapidly. This prediction programs tell us what noise emissions we have to expect from an industrial plant, a supermarket [...]


Workplace Noise-induced hearing damages are incurable. Contemporaneously, individuals with impaired hearing get into social isolation very easily. The new Regulation on Noise and Vibration VOLV (BGBl. II Nr. 22/2006) has been in force since February 2006, and applies to all workplaces, construction sites and out-of-town job locations with employees’ exposure to hazard generated by noise [...]
Sound detection and localization

Sound detection and localization

Sound detection and localization Noise abatement needs localization of sound sources. For that purpose various acoustic methods are existing. Choosing the right technique depends on both the application and the required information. We offer basically two different methods: Beamforming and intensity measurement. The Acoustic Camera is using the Beamforming algorithm. The method is based on [...]
Sound Power Measurements

Sound Power Measurements

Sound Power Measurements The acoustic sound power is the size per unit time of a sound source emitted sound energy. Its unit is the watt (W). The corresponding logarithmic size is the sound power level. With the sound power a source is clearly identified. The sound power is independent of the environment in which a [...]
Room Acoustics

Room Acoustics

Room Acoustics The room acoustics is concerned with the impact of the structural conditions of a room and sound events held in it. Task of room acoustics, it is primarily to affect the acoustic properties of a room so that the acoustic properties suit well with its intended purpose. The acoustic is of great importance [...]

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