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Verification & Calibration / verification
CalibrationCalibration Laboratory
gfai: The Acoustic Camera


We verificate sound level meters and sound calibrators producer-independent.

Our etalons, which are necessary for the verification, will are calibrated in regular intervals (1 or 2 years) from the „physikalisch technischen Prüfdienst“ (Physico-Technical Testing Service) from BEV (Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying) or an accepted ÖKD (Austrian Calibration Service) laboratory. Likewise our verification lab is supervised several times per year by the BEV.

Type approval for verification

The verification can only be done, if there is a type approval done by the BEV.

Verification obligation

The verification obligation exists for all acoustic measuring instruments (sound level meter, Octave and 1/3 octave filters, sound calibrator), see measurement and verification law – MEG, second part, article A, if these are used or kept in readiness:

  • in official and legal transactions,
  • in the health service and for environmental protection
  • in the safety organization and in the traffic system.

Who uses or holds a verification requiring measuring instrument ready, is responsible for the fact that the measuring instrument needs a legal verification.

Subsequent verification obligation

The period of subsequent verification for acoustic measuring instruments is 2 years. The period of the subsequent verification starts with the verifications date following the calendar year.

For example a soundlevelmeter with the verification date 2017 has to be reverified latest till 31st December 2019.

Become void of verification

Measuring instruments may not be used or held ready in verification required traffic, if:

  • the legal period of the subsequent verification expired,
  • one of the prescribed seal is broken or eliminated,
  • prescribed designations were changed,
  • software versions were changed
  • damages are recognizable, which can cause incorrect measuring values.

Ein Messgerät, dessen Eichung ungültig geworden ist, gilt als ungeeicht.


For more information please contact the head of our verification laboratory Ing. Stefan Poisinger by e-mail eichung@schallmessung.com.


Type Approved Devices

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