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Category Archives :Verification & Calibration
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Calibration Laboratory

Calibration LaboratorySound level metersVibration sensorsSound level meters We are Austria’s first and only calibration body for sound level meters! We are Austria’s first and only calibration body for sound level meters! In order to be in a position to assess sound level meters according to the above mentioned standards in foreign countries, an <strong>internationally accepted [...]


Verification We verificate sound level meters and sound calibrators producer-independent. Our etalons, which are necessary for the verification, will are calibrated in regular intervals (1 or 2 years) from the „physikalisch technischen Prüfdienst“ (Physico-Technical Testing Service) from BEV (Federal Office of Metrology and Surveying) or an accepted ÖKD (Austrian Calibration Service) laboratory. Likewise our verification [...]

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