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NorBuild 1028: Building Acoustics Measurements
Reporting Software / nor1028
NorMonit 1022: for Noise Monitoring
NorReview 1026: Environmental Measurements

NorBuild 1028: Building Acoustics Measurements


NorBuild 1028: Building Acoustics Measurements

NorBuild is a program for calculating building acoustic parameters according to many national and international standards. With this user-friendly program building acoustic measurements can be analyzed swiftly, safely and efficiently. The software NorBuild immediately provides the test report according to the chosen standards.

  • Allows the quantification of the acoustic performance of structures according to a wide range of international, European and national standards, i.e. ISO 717, EN 20717, BS 5821, ASTM, SIA 181 etc.
  • Version 4 includes the test procedure and calculation for the new ISO 16283 standard that replace the ISO 140.
  • Input data can be taken directly from the Nor140 Sound Analyser (Nor110, Nor118, Nor121, Nor840 or Nor843 analysers), from file or input by hand.
  • Freely selectable frequency range for the display and calculation of the rating parameters.
  • Input of all the necessary project data is made via user friendly input screens.
  • Graphic and numeric presentation of the results.
  • To comply with their own company style, users may redefine the presentation of the reports.
  • Energy and arithmetic averaging of the data is performed as required.
  • Excel reporter for making customized reports in your local language.

CtrlBuild: software to control building acoustics measurements

  • Interface with the Nor118, Nor140, and Nor843 analysers to fully control the procedure for normal level and reverberation time measurements as well as SweptSine technique.
  • Support Nor520 Bluetooth Transceiver for wireless communication for Nor118 or Nor140 measuring instruments.
  • Controls up to two Nor265 Oscillating Microphone Booms in a system.
  • The user defines the measurement requirements and the associated instrument is then fully set up and the complete procedure controlled by simple mouse clicks.
  • On-line display of the measured spectra and reverberation time data.
  • Automatically transfers the measurement results to the NorBuild program to calculate the rating parameters, thus allowing the two modules to be fully integrated.
  • The complete data set, measurement protocol and the calculated results are stored together in a project file.



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