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Daily Archives :23. September 2016
Home / Date / 23. September 2016

Nor131/132: Sound Level Meters

Nor131/132: Sound Level Meters Sound Level Meters Nor131 and Nor132 are designed and manufactured to the latest sound level meter standards and comprises two products. The Nor131 is a Class 1 (precision) instrument whilst the Nor132 is designed in accordance with the less accurate Class 2 requirements. Both meters offer the same features with exception [...]


Nor145: our top range sound level meter arge colour touchscreen, intuitive menus – easy to use. Nor145 is a single channel unit optimized for easy connectivity to NorVirtual App,  NorCloud, and Nor850, through the built-in WLAN and 3G/4G LTE modem. Nor145 sound level meter with a 4.3” large true colour touchscreen, to serve you a [...]

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