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Daily Archives :28. Februar 2017
Home / Date / 28. Februar 2017

Scan & Paint

Scan & Paint The company Microflown offers an unique tool for acoustic diagnostic and sound localization with the systems Scan & Paint and - since 2015 - Scan & Paint 3D. Usage examples Large machinery Acoustic enclosures Medical equipment Automotive Power-train Vehicle Interior Electronic consumer goods: Washing machine Dishwasher Scan & PaintScan & Paint 3DScan [...]

PU regular

PU regular The ½ inch PU regular is a sound probe combining two sensors: a traditional microphone and a microflown. Directly at one spot the sound pressure and acoustic particle velocity are measured. Any sound field is described by two complementary acoustic properties, the scalar value 'sound pressure' and the vector value 'particle velocity'. In [...]

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