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VC21: Vibration Calibrator
Vibration Meter / vc21
vc120_VC120: Vibration Calibration System
Nor1251/1253: Acoustic Precision Calibrators

VC21: Vibration Calibrator

  • Swift and simple calibration of vibration sensors and vibration measurement systems for acceleration, speed and path.
  • Vibration level independent of load.
  • Oscillation amplitude of 10 m/s² (VC20) and selectable from 1 to 20 m/s2 in up to 5 steps (VC21).
  • Crystal stable oscillation frequency of 159.2 Hz (VC20) and selectable from 15.92 Hz to 1,280 Hz (VC21) in 7 steps.
  • Suited for calibration of whole-body human vibration meters under ISO 8041 and building vibration meters under DIN 4150.
  • Battery-powered for mobile use.
  • Traceable to PTB-normal.
  • Robust design.
Oscillation Frequency:15,92 / 40 / 80 / 159,2 / 320 / 640 / 1280 Hz
Oscillation Amplitude:1 / 2 / 5 / 10 / 20 m/s²
Maximum Sensor Mass:50 - 500 g, depending on frequency and amplitude


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