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Daily Archives :9. Juni 2016
Home / Date / 9. Juni 2016

Nor850: Distributed Multichannel System

Nor850: Distributed Multichannel System Norsonic is introducing a new concept in multichannel measurements; the Nor850 Distributed Multichannel System. By connecting a number of individual measuring units through various communication channels, the user may create the optimal multichannel system for any task. Dedicated user-friendly application packages for various uses are available, and the system control is [...]


LEAKSHOOTER - LKS1000 V3+ LEAKSHOOTER - A brand new concept of ultrasonic leak detection with camera To make it easier the diagnosis of steam traps, also for beginners, SYNERGYS TECHNOLOGIES developped a software integrated in the LEAKSHOOTER, called STRAPSHOOTER®. The STRAPSHOOTER® is the first software which gives you an automatic diagnosis of steam traps. Function [...]

Semex-Engcon – Menhir

Semex-Engcon -Menhir MENHIR is a high performance and versatile platform for civil engineering, structural dynamics and seismic monitoring applications requiring easy-to-use but highly reliable instrumentation solutions. Besides the outstanding measurement performance MENHIR is a very intuitive instrument for quick deployment and remote access and configuration. MENHIR comes in a very compact but robust form factor [...]

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