Nor133 and 136: Vibration Meters for Demanding Users

Nor133 and 136: Vibration Meters for Demanding Users
The precision vibration meters Nor133 and Nor136 are designed in accordance with ISO 8041. In their basic versions, both meters are well suited for measurement of whole body and hand-arm vibration measurements. Optional upgrades allow for the measurement and analysis as vibration in buildings, ships, vehicles and public transport systems in accordance to international and national standards.
The main applications of the tools are:
- Whole body vibration to ISO 2631, EN/2002/44/EC
- Hand Arm vibration to ISO 5349, EN/2002/44/EC
- Building Vibration measurement to DIN 4150, ISO 2631, BS6472
- Ship cabin vibration measurements to ISO 6954
- Vibration measurements to ÖNORM S9012
- Building vibration measurements to DIN 4150-3, BS7385-1, ISO 4866
- General machine vibration – data logger
The main features of the systems are:
- 3 + 1 channels Nor133
- 6 + 1 channels Nor136
- Graphical and numerical display of all channels simultaneously
- Huge memory capacity with SD memory card
- Records the raw data signal for later analyzed in NorVibraTest
- Powerful post processing software NorVibraTest
- Complete range of accelerometers for HA and WB measurements
- Multi language
- Comment channel
- Supports IEPE and Charge accelerometers, AC and DC voltage sensors, passive geophones.
- Data export to National Instrument DIAdem software