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Nor276: Dodecahedron Loudspeaker
Noise sources / nor276
Nor277Nor277: Tapping Machine
nor275_Nor275: Hemi-Dodecahedron Loudspeaker

Nor276: Dodecahedron Loudspeaker

The Nor276 is a high power loudspeaker with omni-directional characteristics. The Nor276 has been designed for continuous operation for more than one hour at full power. It is designed to be used with Nor280 Power Amplifier only. Using other amplifiers may damage the speakers and will void the warranty.

  • The dimension is 332 mm diameter.
  • Less than 10 kg
  • The output power level is up to 120 dB re. 1pW for a pink noise signal.
  • Powerful – 120 dB Lw
  • Lightweight, portable and rugged design for field use
  • Conforms to DIN 52210

Fulfills the following standards:

  • ISO 10140-1:2010 (replaces ISO 140-3 Annex C (Laboratory measurements))
  • ISO 16283-1:2014 (replaces ISO 140-4 Annex A (Field measurements)
  • ISO 3382 Annex A (Reverberation Time measurements).


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